The package itself provides a nice introduction.
SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) is a library for cross-platform development of interactive applications. SDL provides routines for managing windows, rendering graphics, processing sound, collecting input data, and much more. The Haskell
library provides both a high- and low-level API to interface with SDL.
For an extended hands-on tutorial there is a Haskell port of LazyFoo’s SDL lessons.
Minimal example
module Main where
import SDL
import Linear (V4(..))
import Control.Monad (unless)
main :: IO ()
main = do
window <- createWindow "My SDL Application" defaultWindow
renderer <- createRenderer window (-1) defaultRenderer
appLoop renderer
destroyWindow window
appLoop :: Renderer -> IO ()
appLoop renderer = do
events <- pollEvents
let eventIsQPress event =
case eventPayload event of
KeyboardEvent keyboardEvent ->
keyboardEventKeyMotion keyboardEvent == Pressed &&
keysymKeycode (keyboardEventKeysym keyboardEvent) == KeycodeQ
_ -> False
qPressed = any eventIsQPress events
rendererDrawColor renderer $= V4 0 0 255 255
clear renderer
present renderer
unless qPressed (appLoop renderer)
- sdl2-gfx: Graphics primitives and surface functions.
- sdl2-image: Load images of various formats as SDL surfaces.
- sdl2-mixer: Multi-channel audio mixer.
- sdl2-ttf: FreeType wrapper to render text.